Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Lincolnshire Life

Still wanting an allotment!
Visited the Lincolnshire Life museum today, very well spent couple of hours.

Couple of very good forum links:

Sunday, 26 April 2009

St. George

I still really want an allotment!
Attended a St. George's Day do in town; the weather was amazing, and a good time was had by all!
I came home with a venison steak which I may cook (4 minutes each side in a very hot pan) tomorrow.

Had a stroll by the allotments; little work being done, mostly sunbathing! Rhubarb is overgrown and flowering! Note to self: must try and scrounge some rhubarb,

Saturday, 25 April 2009


As far as killing things to eat, it's a case of I would if I had the weapons and permissions!
In the shooting seasons I'm lucky enough to be given pheasants etc, usually on the proviso that I do the messy bits for them. Getting feathers off a pheasant is a ticklish job, and it's suprising how many people don't like getting their pinkies in the slightly smelly bits!
Rabbits are abundant and very tasty! Note to self: must post chocolate chilli rabbit recipe!

First things first!

I really want an allotment, and today I moved a step closer.
There's a possibility in the next few months!

Since I had bowel cancer (five years clear) I've become more interested in what I eat. I already make my own bread, pasta and make meals from scratch. But I only have a patio garden, so I want somewhere to grow my own stuff.