Friday, 30 April 2010

Mother and babies doing well!

We had to escort this little family across the footpaths on the plots, unlock the gates and see them safely into the river Witham!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Hot Again!

The strawberries seem to like the hot weather, some flowers and growing fast! Had a poke around the compost heap today; don't think I'll have to buy compost next year!

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Sunny Suday!

The sick blackcurrant is no more! It was covered in aphids which soapy water would not remove, so I dug it up and burnt it!
Below the afternoon's sun's rays play on the newly hilled potatoes. Despite the hard frosts, the kiwi fruit trees are looking good!
My bramleys very first blossom!

And romanescu seedlings moved to the poly tunnel door to harden up before next month's planting.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Little friends!

Some little friends helping me with a sick black-currant bush!

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Even more sunshine!

A really great sunny day! Did some weeding and watering, a bit of sunning myself and hindered George in the construction of his greenhouse on rails!

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Julian's summer outfit!

Nice new T-shirt for Jules! Had to tighten all his joints up as well, as his arms were a bit limp. The seedlings are coming along in the tunnel, I could end up with a lot of tomato plants!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Market day!

Spent the morning rummaging around Melton Mowbray's excellent market, but didn't buy a lot!
Managed to find a horseshoe for over the lotty shed door!
The picture shoes my celariac poking its way out of the compost.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Nine to five!

A full day on the plot today, including a commitee meeting.
This is the north side, all planted up now!Trying to rig up an easier way of watering my salad leaves in the planter without removing the top! Some kind of flow adjuster required now!

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Soon need the sunscreen!

Two sunny days on the allotment! A row of Savoy cabbage planted and a row of Maris Peer planted for my neighbour.
Lots of tidying and weeding done and seeds planted in the polytunnel.
All the tomato seeds have germinated along with French marigolds, basil, romanescu, viper's bugloss, wormwood and my sunflowers have appeared outside!

Tomorrow is my first commitee meeting!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Rain all day!

The rain stopped as I left the lotties at 4:30!
Finally got around to one job I've been meaning to do, put in an overflow pipe to a second water butt! Tulips in the allotment shed window box!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

New neighbours!

Tony, my new neighbour, with his wife and sister helping to get rid of the dandelions and couch grass!
He's also my neighbour at home; me, pull strings? Never!!!

Saturday, 3 April 2010

A busy day!

Another row of cauliflower and some pointy cabbage in and netted. The fruit bushes look well! Ulster prince and Arran pilot spuds all in today as well.
Lettuce under the small net.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Nature's cammaflauge!

Went to the plot to water in the polytunnel and my neighbours greenhouse, and spotted this little lady, a mallard, sat on a well disguised nest!