Monday, 31 May 2010

Fully planted!

That's it, no more space to be had! Pretty much the whole plot fully planted, and just a case of fighting the weeds until things are ready to eat.

The strawberries look like being first!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Ugly Ducklings!

Nice family picture on the way down the river today Had to dig up what should have been three rows of leeks today, and plant seedlings from a trade!

Monday, 17 May 2010

Bramley blossom!

Sat having a bit of lunch on the plot and took a pic of the bramley planted just before Christmas. Text it to step-daughter, who gave me it as a present!

Monday, 10 May 2010

Mind your parsnips!

A bit of weeding, potting and pricking out today.
I decided to do an experiment growing parsnips from seed. If you grow them in seed trays they hit bottom and curl upwards; no one loves a bent parsnip! These are planted at the top of plastic tubes, so in theory, when they are mature enough they slide directly into a suitable hole in the ground!

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Busy day!

After succumbing to TV advertising, my neighbour bought an upside down tomato planter for £10! What a rip off, its little more than a plastic bag! She had to spend another tenner on compost, slow release fertiliser and other sundry bits!
I had to make a timber bracket sustantial enough to carry 17 litres of compost and 5 litres of water. Luckily I had most of the stuff around to make it, or it would have cost even more! I also provided the tomato plants required. It took most of the morning to get it up and running, including a mod to beef up the way it was hug up!Arrived on the plot late afternoon, and removed the anti-pigeon netting from the brassicas so's I could get at the weeds! Now its up to Julian and flashing CDs. They do say Des O'Connor CDs are best, but I did use one of Abba's!

Saturday, 8 May 2010

As I was trudging past St. Johns.....

in the rain on the way to water the tomato plants, I spotted this London bus, at that moment the wedding party came out of the church door. All very nice!

Friday, 7 May 2010


Three rows of Romanescu after listening to the local weather forecast, netted against the woodies! Planted out my St. George runner beans as well, and put a fleece around them to give them some protection. Better watch it or I'll have Julian sleeping in there!
I also planted eight Ailsa Craig tomato plants in the poly tunnel.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Here is the beggining of a pomato plant! Potato and tomato growing side by side soon to be grafted together to produce both toms and spuds!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Could be a tomato glut!

Runner beans on top, just waiting for a warm day.
Shirley, Cerise, Ailsa Craig and Gardener's Delight tomatoes at various stages of development! Ailsa Craig, pricked out and growing ready for the frame around it. The tray on the right is wormwood, grown as a flea beetle detterent.
Shirley toms in the ground with a tray full of Ailsa Craig in reserve. I may have to set up a stall!